
ElvinTan Design

Since 2017, ElvinTan Design is a Melbourne-based design practice that deliver big ideas. A team of 10, we focus on delivering design outcomes that are compelling, out of the box, and appropriate.. Our clients’ ideas and needs initiate meaningful design dialogue always collaborative to develop innovative and detail-conscious design solutions tailored to suit each project. We are passionate about designing spaces that people enjoy. Successful project is one that creatively addresses unique set of constraints while creating unique experience that engages and delights the end user. Fundamentally, it is all about the client.

Project: Minimaru - Chadstone

Minimaru is a showcase of Japanese Artisanry selling venerable Japanese -crafts. Discovering Old Japan within modern shopping mall. Inspired by the charm of  traditional Shoten-gai (商店街), Minimaru is a new type of market place; one more suitable and competitive within a new realm of retail experience. It celebrates craftsmanship, quintessentially a traditional artisan-shop with a modern sensibility that make it an ideal template for how appealing and efficient retailing can be.

Category: Place

Designers and Project Team:
Design Team: ElvinTan Design (Elvin, Shirley, Greg, Jenny, Tiing, Muhammad, David, Rita, Christing, Elwin and Chee)
Builder: Trust Projects
Centre Management: Vicinity Centres
Retail Design Manager: Tania Staite
Tenancy Delivery Manager : Kylie Berger


Rezen Studio in collaboration with Donaldson Boshard for OneNinety


Hunt & Design for Citadel