
Monash University

Ian Wong is an industrial designer, collector, curator and senior lecturer at Monash University. He has curated award winning exhibitions about his research on Australian Design in galleries nationally and internationally for over 15 years. The Ian Wong Collection has been a work in progress associated with his research and currently has over 2800 objects designed by Australian designers. Ian has collaborated with the Robin Boyd Foundation on the production of eleven films and publishes as @ispyid on Instagram.

Project: Light Colour Humanity - Alastair Swayn Legacy Showcase

The design process was to respond to the theme Light Colour Humanity and develop a program to engage with the public during the Enlighten Festival in Canberra. The program developed responded to the theme by merging a celebration of Swayn’s architecture practice with photographic images from John Gollings, text by Professor Phillip Goad and research about Australian Design from Ian Wong. The program included a major public exhibition, a film, motion graphics, and an illuminated immersive outdoor AR experience. The major exhibition was at CMAG for three months and the AR experience was at Federation Centenary Fountains for Enlighten 2023.

Category: Interact

Designers and Project Team:
Ian Wong
Jo Pritchard
Dr Indae Hwang
John Gollings
Philip Goad
Robin Boyd Foundation
Fink + Co


Ellis Jones for Karrkad Kanjdji Trust - Brand ID and Digital


Monash University for ICONS - Australian Design