
Fe Design Interiors

Our studio ethos is Luxury residential. Spaces that speak of the individuality of the people that live there. A home uniquely designed and filled with organic materiality enhanced by functional and practical spaces. We provide a concept to completion overarching service tailored to suit a budget. We are a dedicated team of designers providing highly detailed documentation and specification that covers the project as a whole. We cost and tender for client understanding. We collaborate with select and highly skilled builders, trades and artisans we work with constantly and can deliver the covering scope of works as per plans. We believe in understated yet sophisticated elegance and everything home.

Project: Fe Design Interiors Fiona Bruzzano

A creative and interactive space for client integration of luxury residential design focusing on materiality, organic layers, textures, bespoke pieces and luxurious soft furnishings. Developed from a run down old store the large elongated premises was a blank canvas with endless possibilites. The vision to provide a beautiful space showcasing built layers with luxury materials open to everyone as an experience expanding their visual understanding. Large Individual internal spaces formed with natural stone, architectural lighting and tactile creative surfaces. The studio frontage has restored historic details that invites you into a space sophisticated and elegant celebrating everything home.

Category: Place

Designers and Project Team:
Designer - Fiona Bruzzano (Principal designer - Business owner) 
Kyle Lovell 
Four Front Building - Builder - James Clayton 
Debrich joinery


Elenberg Fraser for Slattery Melbourne


Feng Shui Concepts for Feng Shui House