INTERACT Category Winner:

Deepend Group for ReachOut - PeerChat

The Jurors commended the project for its ability to promote early intervention through peer support, complementing and connecting young people with clinical mental health services. At a time when our wellbeing and mental health services are under increased pressure, this project demonstrates how inclusive, unbiased and timely peer support can reduce distress, increase mental health knowledge, enhance wellbeing through connection, and improve accessibility for vulnerable communities.

Category: Interact

Designers and Project Team:
Anthony Cortis
Christy McCarthy
Eli Brassé
Farzad Yazdanparast
Jackie Hallan
Jackie-Lee Hughes
Josef Niedermier
Louise O’Donnell
Paulus Van der Kolk
Steven Sullivan
Tessie Teoh


Design Health Collab for PALM - Breathing new life into asthma treatment