Award of Merit:

Street and Garden Furniture Co. for Street + Garden Studio

The team at Street + Garden are regularly invited to be part of many place making projects, in collaboration with associated creative disciplines. Most often driven by the overall vision of a landscape architect, but also working with Architects, Artists, Graphic Designers, Landscape construction organisations and others to build unique community and other public spaces. Our contribution is generally site specific furniture Design, but can also include sculptural and way finding elements. Often involving community engagement, including working with indigenous individuals and groups. We find what is special about each place, built and natural environments and make reference in various details within the ideas we generate. 

In the 30 years of S+G, since inception in 1991 the idea has been to offer unique Design to community spaces, and to offer opportunities to emerging Designers to be part of that process. Most team members have come to us as interns, giving both them and us the opportunity to test skills and the potential ability to integrate into the team. This is an ongoing part of how we work as people stay, one for over 25 years most 10 years +. We recognise each members contribution directly, they are referenced as contributors to the projects they work on, and of course our collaborative team members. We do internal tutorials to keep our team up to speed with developments in technology we use to produce our ideas. We believe strongly in local production, so all products are Designed and built in Australia. Good Design can be cost competitive, but good design can also go beyond cost as the only imperative, and we have developed a strong enough reputation for supply of difference and originality that gives our clients something special and us a competitive edge.

About the Project

Our work is very diverse so in submitting for this award we decided not to limit this to one singe project. Should we be shortlisted and there be a preference to define one specific project, we can do that, but for this submission we will be including images from a variety of projects that we think best outline our creative capability and Design philosophy. These will include Rockhampton Riverside precinct. A collaboration with URBIS Landscape Architects as Team leaders. It’s is about heat, Flood, and activation of an under-utilised public space. Winton working with RPS group, it's about Qantas, Waltzing Matilda, Dinosaurs, Opal, sheep, locals and visitors, Paradise lakes simply because someone was game to allow us to produce an amazing sculpture. It does reference the clients vision, and was commissioned by URBIS. 

Logan Water Park, and Slacks Creek Corridor at Logan. Shade canopies Designed in collaboration with a local indigenous artist, sculptures representing Flood events and water birds, we are very fortunate to work with great creative teams and visionary clients that allow us the scope to experiment with ideas and processes.

Category: Use

Designers and Project Team:
David Shaw
Charles Wentworth
Liam Gillham
Tegan Russell
Raymond Dunlop
Sabrina Krammer
Marshia Tapiki
Jared Keen


SJB in collaboration with Richard Leplastrier AO and Vania Contreras for Eucalyptusdom


Studio aem and Studio Gestalt for Harbour View House