Award of Merit:

Neil Cownie Architect for 123 House

I joined the DIA as part of my continuing ethos of joining the various design and consulting industries and bodies together in a broader approach rather than a single design industry approach. This transdisciplinary approach allows holistic solutions and outcomes in design that maximise a broad base of design input, testing and solutions in the design of any object or building. 

When designing I seek to represent the place in which the building, or interior or object is located to express memory of place and bring a sense of grounding and belonging to the finished work. I approach the design of any new object or building in this transdisciplinary manner in which institutional boundaries are not respected. 

In any new project I engage with the new clients to formulate their aspirations and brief for the project before determining the parameters and opportunities for the project. In determining these parameters consultants, regulatory bodies and artisans referenced at this early stage. 

This inclusive process continues through the design process, technical design stage, through construction to the final product. The final product benefits from my openness and confidence in allowing the experience and technical knowhow of others to influence on the design solution through my own filter. 

I refer to my own design philosophy as being ‘hands-on’ as I like to really knuckle down in determining the parameters and seeking the best and most specific outcomes for each project. While I carry certain design elements between projects, each project is treated individually, and the design is shaped and formed by the parameters of the project. I happily engage with each new client, site issues that come with each project. Into the technical stage of design, I work directly with the artisans and building sub-contractors in trying to achieve the most sensible and efficient solution to each aspect of the design. I find that through this process amazing opportunities arise as I filter my overall design through the knowledge of the experts in construction of the various elements. 

A common thread through all of my current work is the engagement with the local creative community to incorporate the work of local artisans and artists into the fabric of the building rather than just adding objects or selecting items from a catalogue at the end of the construction.

About the Project

The design seeks to provide my clients and the local community with a new building and interior that sit comfortably in the suburb as though this building has been born from its surroundings. To achieve this we carried out research on the history of the suburb, its cultural and built form history and my clients own fascinating connection to the site. We made connections in the building fabric to my clients cultural heritage, their connection to the site in being owners and managers of a petrol station on this site for over thirty years.

Category: Place

Designer: Neil Cownie: architect, interior designer & product designer.


Monash Urban Lab for RetroFit Kit: design tools for making our homes accessible


Nüüd studio and Naomi Milgrom Foundation for MPavilion 2021 Dancer Chair