■ Adam de Guara
Adam’s background in both Interior Design and Lighting Design allows him to creatively respond to aesthetic and functional issues relating to spaces design. Recent International experience whilst designing in London for more than 7 years has added a further dimension to his extensive design skills.
He has extensive knowledge of the lighting product market and is involved in all stages of the design process including concept, design presentation, development, equipment selection, cost planning and lighting control system applications.
A concerted emphasis on ensuring an understanding of energy conservation and ways it may be maximised are aspects which are considered to be fundamental design solution. This expertise allows him to produce sound and durable lighting solutions that satisfy the client as well as the final occupant of the space. Adam has received numerous meritorious awards of excellence from the Illuminating Engineering Society at both state and international levels in various categories, including; Hospitality, Retail, Commercial, Residential, Art and External spaces.
His extensive experience in the areas of the built environment, historical and modern spaces alike, have successfully proven his ability to consider various surroundings and spaces.